Spiritual Formation Class List

All Spiritual Formation Sunday School classes are held on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am prior to the 10:45 am worship service.


  • New Beginnings

Location: Administrative Building, 2nd floor, across from the elevator

Led by: Lynda Kerley & Lisa Hightail

The New Beginnings Class is a class for ladies, primarily aged sixty and above. Their aim is to continue to study, learn, and apply scripture. The class endeavors to support one another, as well as continue and find new ways to support the community. An effort is made for both in-reach and outreach.

  • Girlfriends

Location: Education Building, 1st floor, room at the very end of the hall

Led By: Marcie Hinton & Erin Nance

The Girlfriends Class uses a variety of resources to assist women who are 30+, in all ages and stages of life, in nurturing their relationship with God and with each other. Every week, they study their lesson, while at the same time, supporting the needs and spiritual growth of one another. Prayer is a significant part of this group. They select studies together and tend toward literature that provides perspective on the Bible stories we know by heart.


  • Balance

Location: Education Building, 1st Floor

Led by: Walt Curry & Chris Hutson

The Balance Class is engaged in a year-long quest for spiritual formation, reorientation, and activation through the study of “We Make The Road by Walking,” authored by Brian S. McLaren. It has been offered that this 52-chapter study provides a clear and compelling guide to walking the Jesus path together, with the goal to find spiritual balance. All adults of all ages and stages of life are welcome.

  • Truth Seekers

Location: Administrative Building, 2nd floor, Commons Room

Led by: Jim Sigler

The Truth Seekers Class is a discussion-driven class utilizes a variety of resources and themes to develop critical thinking and serious discipleship for adults in their 60’s and older, both married and single. This group is primarily mature Christians, still eager to learn, grown, and engage in quality fellowship opportunities. They are never short on conversation or reflection.

  • Searchers

Location: Education Building, 2nd floor

Led by: Ron & Glenda Phillips

The Searchers Class is a group of adults who discuss scripture and Christian living. They search the Bible for God’s truth for us today, using the provided study guides. Finding meaningful ways to contribute to both the church and community is their priority. This is a group of entertaining, enlightening, engaging, thought-provoking adults. Mostly empty nesters, but all are welcome.

  • Faith Link

Location: Education Building, 2nd Floor

Led by: Jonathan Oliver & Jill Wagner

The Faith Link Class welcomes adults of all ages and stages. The class focuses on discussion and the sharing of ideas. They are questioning, thinking believers who encourage each other to be better followers of Jesus. They are currently studying “The Road is Made By Walking,” authored by Brian S. McLaren.

  • Conversations on Scripture

Location: Education Building, 2nd Floor

Led by: Jared Ehrenheim, Meredith Ehrenheim, & Larry Edison

Conversations on Scripture Class is a place for all ages to meet together and discuss scripture. This class encourages all to bring their questions, curiosity, doubts, expertise, and diverse points of view as they walk verse by verse through the Bible together. Currently, they are studying the book of Matthew.


  • Middle School

Led by: Laurie Carner, Will Hutson, Bill Evitts, & Elizabeth LeNeave

  • High School

Led by: Jonathan Feiler, Allison Rains, & Taylor Rains

Location: Education Building, 2nd floor, Youth Cafe

Literature: Smyth & Helwys Intersection


  • Grades 1 - 2

Led by: Katrina Franklin & Debra Talbert

  • Grades 3rd - 5th

Led By Lacy Boling & Ann Boyd

Location: Education Building, 1st Floor (Lower Level)

Children are welcomed to a place where they are known and loved, where their questions are taken seriously, and where they can gather to hear God’s story and, together, find meaning in their lives. Shine Curriculum guides children to stretch and grow toward God’s light, and then shine that light to others.


  • Babies - Walkers

Location: Education Building, 1st Floor, Nursery Area

Led by: Kim Cooper, Cherlyn Ferris, & weekly volunteers

  • 2’s and 3’s

Location: Education Building, 1st Floor

Led by: Tonda Throgmorton & Karen Kneisler

Two and Threes hear a story from Wee Wonder which introduces young children to God through song, action rhymes, and responsive play.

  •  4’s through Kindergarten

Location: Education Building, 1st Floor

Led by: Lindsay Stacy, Christina Crice, Rebecca Bridges, and Kayla Dixon

Children are invited to experience the stories of God within the Godly Play Circle. Godly Play seeks to “make meaning through story, wonder, and play. Nurturing spiritual lives by honoring the centrality, competency, and capacity of children.”