At Immanuel, we are...
...a people on a journey of faith seeking to become more mature followers of Jesus Christ through worship, Christian education, and the stewardship of our whole lives.
...a community of faith dedicated to doing God's bidding in our world through evangelism, discipleship, missions, social ministry and pastoral care.
...a fellowship of friends in Christ reaching out to all humanity with love, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, and acceptance.
At Immanuel Baptist Church, we are enabled -
to grow, to think, to question
to doubt, to fail,
to nurture and to be nurtured,
to care and to be cared for,
to comfort and to be comforted,
to challenge and to be challenged.
It is here, through the church, that we really live. At it is here, through ministry to others in the name of Jesus Christ, that our living comes alive!
We invite you to join us for a mutually enriching pilgrimage of faith. Together, let's seek the Kingdom of God!