Wednesday Night Connect

Wednesday Night Connect (WNC) is an opportunity for our community of faith to gather mid-week to break bread and spend time together in a casual setting. We typically do this for a 9-week run in the fall, after school has started back from summer break, and in the spring, after school has started back from winter break.

Here’s the schedule:

5:15 Dinner

5:45 - 7:00 Activities for Pre-K - 5th graders

6:00 Adult Bible Study & Youth Group

6:15 Handbell Rehearsal

7:00 Adult Choir Rehearsal

Scan or click the QR code to sign up for the March 19th meal:

What are the kiddos up to?

Our school age children have programming from 5:45 pm until 7:00 pm.

5:15 - 5:40 Dinner in Fellowship Hall with their Adults

5:40 -7:00 Music, Missions, and Movement (Meet in Church Library)

What are the youth up to?

Our middle school and high school students have programming in the Youth Cafe from 5:00 pm until 7:00 pm.

5:00 - 6:00 Dinner & Hang Out

6:00 - 7:00 Bible Study